I have developed some silverlight applications which's links below. you can test them and also download the the source codes:
Key combination game: Aim of this game is to find out the secret direction key combinations to unlock some secret items like videos, images or sounds. In this application client side silverlight module sends key combinations to web server to check whether it is meaningful combination. This connection is provided by web services.(There is something wrong with my host's options therefore this application is not working properly. I ll get busy with it later because it is almost 4 in the morning :D)
Source Code: http://aliolci.com/SL/FirstSilverlight.rar
RoboHobo: The functionality of this game is that to draw tracks with mouse pointer. There is a ball in this game which always goes after these tracks.
Source Code: http://aliolci.com/SL/robohobo.rar
Group Project Interface Component: In that application you can test my bar loader component which is developped for King's College London MSc ASE program group project. Just enter an integer(negative or postive) value to text box and hit the button.
Source Code: http://aliolci.com/SL/interfacemud.rar